DIGA NÃO AO ABORTO ,DEUS CONDENA O ABORTO. Abortion, what the Bible says?
Note: It is very important that you read the warning contained in the last lines of text. I'm sure will be very useful and this warning is not based only on the biblical view. Therefore, please read ALL THE WAY.God created man and woman, blessed them and told them: 'Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it ... And God saw everything that He had created, and it was very good "(Gen. 1:28, 31).We verify first that the play was one of the purposes of creation of man by God. On the other hand, do not read a passage in which man has the right to kill his neighbor - in fact, a commandment is "Thou shalt not kill" (Exodus 20:13, Rom.13: 9).However, the child who is in the womb is a being with its own identity. Did you know that the first organ to be formed in the fetus's heart? And that the heart starts beating 21 days after conception? Accordingly, parties abort is to kill a human being created by God.LIFE: inviolable rightWho has the power to take life? Is he the man who can decide the future of another his neighbor as to the time of his death? We read in 1. First Samuel 2:6 that the authority to decide when someone's death belongs to God alone: "The Lord is who gives and takes life, He brings down to earth and makes it up again."We read the other hand in Psalm 139:13 which is the Lord Who operates the formation of a living being, and that moves in the womb of his mother: "For You formed my inward parts; You knit me in my mother's womb '.In this verse, the protection and possession of God and His creative powers are extended to prenatal life. This teaching makes it impossible to consider the embryo or fetus as a "simple piece of cloth." The least one can say is that at conception there is already a potential human being (rather a human being with potential), which is sacred and valuable in the sight of God, evidenced by his personal involvement. THE CROSSING OF EXODUS 21:22,23If men make war and hurt a pregnant woman, and they are concerned. abort, but if there is no death, he shall surely be fined ... But if there is death, then thou shalt give life for life.This is the only passage in the Bible that directly addresses the issue of abortion and has been presented as justification for the acceptance of abortion. This is a case in which the abortion takes place, but as it accidentally. If a woman lost her son, there was only one compensation: if the woman died also hurt those who would pay with his life. For those who advocate abortion, the deduction is made is that since there is only compensation in the case of abortion, it would mean that the fetus would not have soul, which would only be won at birth. Taking a step further this thought, we can conclude that the abortion would be biblically permissible. Now, that would force the application of the law of Exodus, which is a miscarriage, and not induced, which are two completely separate things: one, someone is accidentally an abortion to another, another, and with consent of the mother, lead to abortion. However, even accidental, we read that in this case there was a penalty, which denotes the severity of this miscarriage, precisely because life was concerned.WHAT IF ... BORN ... DEFORMED?
This is an excuse presented to consider abortion, which incidentally, our current law already provides.Firstly it should be noted that God created man with such characteristics that, even in adverse conditions at first glance, can survive and adapt. Moreover, when that is possible and the death is itself. This applies for example when the child is born with abnormal brain deformation (brain). Generally, the child dies after a few minutes after birth.But even if there are grounds for assurance that the child will be born poor, is this a reason to accept the abortion? Let's see what the Word of God tells us in this regard: "Who made man's mouth? Or who maketh the dumb or the seeing, or blind? I am not I, Lord? "(Exodus 4:11). "And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. And his disciples asked him, saying, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents that he was born blind?" Jesus answered, "Neither he nor his parents sinned, but that is to be revealed in him the works of God '" (John 9:1-3).The Bible's answer is clear. Accepting the death of unborn children, also leads to accepting euthanasia for children, that is, the killing of newborn babies who are sick or disabled. And to accept this, do not miss too much to accept euthanasia of the disabled, elderly and those who, whatever their age, can not care for themselves or to feel part of society. If you understand that the universe was formed by chance and that man is descended from a prehistoric creature, there is no reason to worry about human life. But knowing that man was created and has a special destiny before his Creator, then we conclude that the defense of the divine gift, which is human life, is in fact inalienable.THE FETUS IS SPIRIT?(...) And will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from the womb of his mother. (Luke 1:15)It can be said that the child already in the womb is life, 'kicks' and reacts.Consideration should be given to what the Bible says:"Before I formasses in the womb I knew you, before you were of the womb I sanctified thee" (Jer.1: 5). "Behold, I was shapen in iniquity and in sin my mother conceived me" [well, to be in iniquity, had to have spirit, if so, even dying from abortion, only the work of Jesus can go to heaven!. ..] (Psalm 51:5). "The Lord called me from the womb, from the bowels of my mother hath he made mention of my name; ... The Lord formed me from the womb to be his servant ... "(Isaiah 49:1,5). We read further in Psalm 139: "For you formed my inward parts; knit me in my mother's ventral. The Your eyes saw my unformed substance, and in Your book were written every day, yes, all the days that were ordained for me, even when there was not one of them. "ARISING FROM A YOUNG SINGLE PREGNANT, WHAT IS THE POSITION OF THE CHURCH?Of course you should not advise abortion, before the evil must be remedied as soon as possible. First, the young must repent of the sin committed and, if possible, get married to avoid other problems. The Church at this point has an important role in counseling with the Word of God and of married women with information and still experienced the comfort and support.SEX BEFORE MARRIAGEThey are completely illegal. Even when the wedding is already booked and young people are engaged. We read that when Isaac met Rebecca, did not lead to his tent, before it led to the tent of his mother. Only when they got married is that Isaac brought her into his tent (Genesis 24:67). For the wedding date, we must obey the authorities, so that two young people are married before God, not when there quanda consider or religious ceremony, but when they are officially married before the authorities. If however there is a religious ceremony, must wait until the same where there are brought before God.FOR THOSE WHO ALREADY abortedIn Psalm 32 David expressed deep sorrow and misery he felt while trying to hide his sin instead of confessing. Then he said: "I acknowledged my peacdo Thee and mine iniquity have I not hid. I will confess my transgressions to the Lord and You forgave the iniquity of my heart." Recognizing that it was the only means of escape, David confessed his sin to the Lord . was a confession of trust, as David knew there was forgiveness on God (Psalm 130:4)!The apostle John wrote to believers who said: "The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin ... If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and purify us from all injustice "(IJoão 1:7,9). Notice that He did not say 'forgive us apart from sin and immorality of abortion," but from all sin.God does not treat us according to our sins, before completely strip the Mind confessed our sins (Psalm 103:10-12). But God forgives only those who are repentant and confess your sin. God's forgiveness is not, however, justification for knowing what is sin, abortion and then ask for forgiveness.When the son of David, the result of their immoral relationship with Bathsheba died, David was not afraid that his son was waiting for the accused. Rather, the son became a symbol of hope that one day the two, father and son were united in heaven in God's presence. David said in 2 Samuel 12:23 - "I shall go to him." God forgives, yes, and forgiveness of God, "we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" (Romans 5:1).
In the Old Testament, the Bible uses the same Hebrew words to describe the unborn, infants and children. In the New Testament, the Greek is used also of the same words to describe unborn children, infants and children, which indicates a continuation from conception to the stage of a child, and then to adulthood.Brephos The Greek word is used frequently for newborns, infants and older children (Luke 2.12,16; 18:15, 1 Peter 2.2). In Acts 7:19, for example, brephos refers to the children killed at Pharaoh's command. But in Luke 1.41,44 the same word is used referring to John the Baptist, while yet unborn, being in the womb of his mother.In God's eyes it was indistinguishable with respect to other children. The Bible writer also informs us that John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit while still in the womb, indicating thereby the distinctive being (Luke 1:15). Even three months before birth, John could make a miraculous recognition of Jesus, already present in Mary's womb (Luke 1:44).On this basis, we find the Greek word meaning huios "son" used in Luke 1:36, describing the existence of John the Baptist in the womb before birth (six months before, to be precise).Yeled The Hebrew word is commonly used to refer to children (ie, a child, a boy etc..). But in Exodus 21:22, is used to refer to a child in the womb. In Genesis 25:22 the word yeladim (children) is used to refer to the children of Rebekah who pushed while still in the womb. In Job 3:3, Job geber uses the word to describe his design: "It was a man child conceived! [Literally, a child was conceived man]." But the word is a Hebrew noun geber usually used to translate the idea of a "man", a "male" or a "husband". 3.11-16 In Job, Job equates the unborn child ("children who never saw the light") with kings, princes and counselors.All these and many other biblical texts indicate that God does not distinguish between potential life and real life, or to delineate stages of being - that is, between an unborn child in the womb at any stage and that is a newly born or a child. The Scriptures repeatedly assume the continuity of a person, from conception to adulthood. Moreover, there is no special word used exclusively to describe the unborn might differentiate it from a newborn, with respect to and with reference to his personal worth.And yet, the very God relates to people not yet born. In Psalm 139.16, the psalmist says in reference to God: "Your eyes saw my unformed substance." The author uses the word golem, translated as "substance" to describe himself while still in the womb. He uses this term to refer to the personal care of God for himself during the first part of its embryonic state (from implantation until the first week of life), the state before the fetus is physically "formed" a thumbnail to be human. We now know that the embryo is "report" for only four or five weeks. In other words, even at the stage of gestation "unformed substance" (0-4 weeks), God says that He cares for the child and is shaping (Psalm 139:13-16).Other texts of the Bible also indicates that God relates to the fetus as a person. Job 31:15 says: "He who formed me in the womb, also did not they? That is not the same as that formed in the womb?"10.8,11 In Job we read: "Your hands shaped me and I perfected it ... skin and flesh clothed me with bones and sinews knit me."Psalm 78.5-6 reveals God's care with the "children who have yet to be born."Psalm 139:13-16 says, "For You formed my inward parts, thou teceste me in my mother's womb. I thank thee, as fearfully and wonderfully made ... My frame was not you were covered when the hidden was formed, and wrought in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance. "These scriptures reveal the personal pronouns that are used to describe the relationship between God and those who are in the womb.These and other verses (Jeremiah 1:5, Galatians 1:15, 16; Isaiah 49.1,5) show that God views the unborn and are in the womb as a person. There is no other possible conclusion. We agree with the theologian John Frame: "There is nothing in Scripture to suggest, even remotely, that an unborn child is anything less than a human person from the moment of conception". [1]In light of the foregoing, we conclude that these texts of Scripture demonstrates that human life belongs to God, not us, and therefore prohibit abortion. The Bible teaches that, ultimately, people belong to God because all men were created by HimAnd if you ever had an abortion?Have you ever had an abortion? Wherever you are, we want you to know that genuine forgiveness and inner peace are possible, and that a true liberation from the past can be experienced.God is a forgiving God:"But you [are] ... forgiving God, gracious and merciful, slow to anger you, and of great kindness" (Nehemiah 9.17b)."For thou, Lord, art good and merciful, abounding in mercy unto all that call upon thee" (Psalm 86.5).In fact, God not only forgives, He, in fact, "forgotten":"I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions for My own sake, and I do not remember your sins" (Isaiah 43.25).You can now find forgiveness by simply placing their trust in Jesus Christ. You can trust him, turning his back on the paths you have followed, acknowledging and confessing your sins to Him, and turning to Christ with the confidence that through His power, He will grant you forgiveness and new life . If you wish to have their sins forgiven, if you want to be free of guilt, whether to have new life in Christ, if you want to know God, and if you know you are loved by Him, we suggest the following prayer:Dear God, I confess my sin. My abortion was wrong and I now I come to your presence in search of forgiveness and cleansing. Please do not just forgive me this sin, but forgive me the sins of my life. I accept that Jesus Christ is God, that He died on the cross to pay the penalty for my sins, that He rose again the third day, and who is alive today. I receive You now as my Lord and Savior. I now accept the forgiveness that You providenciaste free on the cross and I promised in the Bible. Make your royal pardon for me. I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen
This is an excuse presented to consider abortion, which incidentally, our current law already provides.Firstly it should be noted that God created man with such characteristics that, even in adverse conditions at first glance, can survive and adapt. Moreover, when that is possible and the death is itself. This applies for example when the child is born with abnormal brain deformation (brain). Generally, the child dies after a few minutes after birth.But even if there are grounds for assurance that the child will be born poor, is this a reason to accept the abortion? Let's see what the Word of God tells us in this regard: "Who made man's mouth? Or who maketh the dumb or the seeing, or blind? I am not I, Lord? "(Exodus 4:11). "And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. And his disciples asked him, saying, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents that he was born blind?" Jesus answered, "Neither he nor his parents sinned, but that is to be revealed in him the works of God '" (John 9:1-3).The Bible's answer is clear. Accepting the death of unborn children, also leads to accepting euthanasia for children, that is, the killing of newborn babies who are sick or disabled. And to accept this, do not miss too much to accept euthanasia of the disabled, elderly and those who, whatever their age, can not care for themselves or to feel part of society. If you understand that the universe was formed by chance and that man is descended from a prehistoric creature, there is no reason to worry about human life. But knowing that man was created and has a special destiny before his Creator, then we conclude that the defense of the divine gift, which is human life, is in fact inalienable.THE FETUS IS SPIRIT?(...) And will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from the womb of his mother. (Luke 1:15)It can be said that the child already in the womb is life, 'kicks' and reacts.Consideration should be given to what the Bible says:"Before I formasses in the womb I knew you, before you were of the womb I sanctified thee" (Jer.1: 5). "Behold, I was shapen in iniquity and in sin my mother conceived me" [well, to be in iniquity, had to have spirit, if so, even dying from abortion, only the work of Jesus can go to heaven!. ..] (Psalm 51:5). "The Lord called me from the womb, from the bowels of my mother hath he made mention of my name; ... The Lord formed me from the womb to be his servant ... "(Isaiah 49:1,5). We read further in Psalm 139: "For you formed my inward parts; knit me in my mother's ventral. The Your eyes saw my unformed substance, and in Your book were written every day, yes, all the days that were ordained for me, even when there was not one of them. "ARISING FROM A YOUNG SINGLE PREGNANT, WHAT IS THE POSITION OF THE CHURCH?Of course you should not advise abortion, before the evil must be remedied as soon as possible. First, the young must repent of the sin committed and, if possible, get married to avoid other problems. The Church at this point has an important role in counseling with the Word of God and of married women with information and still experienced the comfort and support.SEX BEFORE MARRIAGEThey are completely illegal. Even when the wedding is already booked and young people are engaged. We read that when Isaac met Rebecca, did not lead to his tent, before it led to the tent of his mother. Only when they got married is that Isaac brought her into his tent (Genesis 24:67). For the wedding date, we must obey the authorities, so that two young people are married before God, not when there quanda consider or religious ceremony, but when they are officially married before the authorities. If however there is a religious ceremony, must wait until the same where there are brought before God.FOR THOSE WHO ALREADY abortedIn Psalm 32 David expressed deep sorrow and misery he felt while trying to hide his sin instead of confessing. Then he said: "I acknowledged my peacdo Thee and mine iniquity have I not hid. I will confess my transgressions to the Lord and You forgave the iniquity of my heart." Recognizing that it was the only means of escape, David confessed his sin to the Lord . was a confession of trust, as David knew there was forgiveness on God (Psalm 130:4)!The apostle John wrote to believers who said: "The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin ... If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and purify us from all injustice "(IJoão 1:7,9). Notice that He did not say 'forgive us apart from sin and immorality of abortion," but from all sin.God does not treat us according to our sins, before completely strip the Mind confessed our sins (Psalm 103:10-12). But God forgives only those who are repentant and confess your sin. God's forgiveness is not, however, justification for knowing what is sin, abortion and then ask for forgiveness.When the son of David, the result of their immoral relationship with Bathsheba died, David was not afraid that his son was waiting for the accused. Rather, the son became a symbol of hope that one day the two, father and son were united in heaven in God's presence. David said in 2 Samuel 12:23 - "I shall go to him." God forgives, yes, and forgiveness of God, "we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" (Romans 5:1).
In the Old Testament, the Bible uses the same Hebrew words to describe the unborn, infants and children. In the New Testament, the Greek is used also of the same words to describe unborn children, infants and children, which indicates a continuation from conception to the stage of a child, and then to adulthood.Brephos The Greek word is used frequently for newborns, infants and older children (Luke 2.12,16; 18:15, 1 Peter 2.2). In Acts 7:19, for example, brephos refers to the children killed at Pharaoh's command. But in Luke 1.41,44 the same word is used referring to John the Baptist, while yet unborn, being in the womb of his mother.In God's eyes it was indistinguishable with respect to other children. The Bible writer also informs us that John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit while still in the womb, indicating thereby the distinctive being (Luke 1:15). Even three months before birth, John could make a miraculous recognition of Jesus, already present in Mary's womb (Luke 1:44).On this basis, we find the Greek word meaning huios "son" used in Luke 1:36, describing the existence of John the Baptist in the womb before birth (six months before, to be precise).Yeled The Hebrew word is commonly used to refer to children (ie, a child, a boy etc..). But in Exodus 21:22, is used to refer to a child in the womb. In Genesis 25:22 the word yeladim (children) is used to refer to the children of Rebekah who pushed while still in the womb. In Job 3:3, Job geber uses the word to describe his design: "It was a man child conceived! [Literally, a child was conceived man]." But the word is a Hebrew noun geber usually used to translate the idea of a "man", a "male" or a "husband". 3.11-16 In Job, Job equates the unborn child ("children who never saw the light") with kings, princes and counselors.All these and many other biblical texts indicate that God does not distinguish between potential life and real life, or to delineate stages of being - that is, between an unborn child in the womb at any stage and that is a newly born or a child. The Scriptures repeatedly assume the continuity of a person, from conception to adulthood. Moreover, there is no special word used exclusively to describe the unborn might differentiate it from a newborn, with respect to and with reference to his personal worth.And yet, the very God relates to people not yet born. In Psalm 139.16, the psalmist says in reference to God: "Your eyes saw my unformed substance." The author uses the word golem, translated as "substance" to describe himself while still in the womb. He uses this term to refer to the personal care of God for himself during the first part of its embryonic state (from implantation until the first week of life), the state before the fetus is physically "formed" a thumbnail to be human. We now know that the embryo is "report" for only four or five weeks. In other words, even at the stage of gestation "unformed substance" (0-4 weeks), God says that He cares for the child and is shaping (Psalm 139:13-16).Other texts of the Bible also indicates that God relates to the fetus as a person. Job 31:15 says: "He who formed me in the womb, also did not they? That is not the same as that formed in the womb?"10.8,11 In Job we read: "Your hands shaped me and I perfected it ... skin and flesh clothed me with bones and sinews knit me."Psalm 78.5-6 reveals God's care with the "children who have yet to be born."Psalm 139:13-16 says, "For You formed my inward parts, thou teceste me in my mother's womb. I thank thee, as fearfully and wonderfully made ... My frame was not you were covered when the hidden was formed, and wrought in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance. "These scriptures reveal the personal pronouns that are used to describe the relationship between God and those who are in the womb.These and other verses (Jeremiah 1:5, Galatians 1:15, 16; Isaiah 49.1,5) show that God views the unborn and are in the womb as a person. There is no other possible conclusion. We agree with the theologian John Frame: "There is nothing in Scripture to suggest, even remotely, that an unborn child is anything less than a human person from the moment of conception". [1]In light of the foregoing, we conclude that these texts of Scripture demonstrates that human life belongs to God, not us, and therefore prohibit abortion. The Bible teaches that, ultimately, people belong to God because all men were created by HimAnd if you ever had an abortion?Have you ever had an abortion? Wherever you are, we want you to know that genuine forgiveness and inner peace are possible, and that a true liberation from the past can be experienced.God is a forgiving God:"But you [are] ... forgiving God, gracious and merciful, slow to anger you, and of great kindness" (Nehemiah 9.17b)."For thou, Lord, art good and merciful, abounding in mercy unto all that call upon thee" (Psalm 86.5).In fact, God not only forgives, He, in fact, "forgotten":"I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions for My own sake, and I do not remember your sins" (Isaiah 43.25).You can now find forgiveness by simply placing their trust in Jesus Christ. You can trust him, turning his back on the paths you have followed, acknowledging and confessing your sins to Him, and turning to Christ with the confidence that through His power, He will grant you forgiveness and new life . If you wish to have their sins forgiven, if you want to be free of guilt, whether to have new life in Christ, if you want to know God, and if you know you are loved by Him, we suggest the following prayer:Dear God, I confess my sin. My abortion was wrong and I now I come to your presence in search of forgiveness and cleansing. Please do not just forgive me this sin, but forgive me the sins of my life. I accept that Jesus Christ is God, that He died on the cross to pay the penalty for my sins, that He rose again the third day, and who is alive today. I receive You now as my Lord and Savior. I now accept the forgiveness that You providenciaste free on the cross and I promised in the Bible. Make your royal pardon for me. I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen